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Solutions for Lake & Pond Weeds, Algae, Muck, Milfoil, Hydrilla , Lyly Pads, Cattails and more!


Get rid of algae, Chemicals, lake pond Algae removal, NuAlgae, Algaecide, diatoms, clear up lake water


 -Nualgi Reduces cost of culture produces high quality nutritional live food for fast and healthy growth and molting.

 -Reduces pond pollution. 

 -Reduces incidence of diseases.

 -Color and quality of cultured animal is extremely good.

 -Boosts dissolved oxygen since algae is produced and consumed   in          the system.

      Learn More  or   Buy Now Nualgi



Diatoms and Nualgi
Diatoms are microscopic food power cells (phytoplankton) that convert
carbon dioxide, nitrogen and phosphorus into dissolved oxygen and
oxygen rich organic compounds and zooplankton which result in a
healthy ecosystem and ultimately a thriving fish population. They play
a dynamic role in nutrient conversion and regulation of ecosystems.
How Diatoms Benefit a Water Body
Diatoms outcompete less desirable forms of algae for nutrients in
the water reducing harmful blue-green algae and filamentous algae.
Diatoms are the primary food source at the base of the fish food
chain. Grow diatoms, Grow fish! When nutrients go into the fish food
chain, they are unavailable to weeds and algae.
Diatoms increase dissolved oxygen in the water and at the sediment
boundary! Produce more oxygen in their life cycle than they consume.
Scientific study confirms that diatoms are the single largest primary
producers of oxygen for the planet earth!
The problem is that they are boom-and-bust in nature. When diatom
population is high, nutrients are converted to fish. When diatom
population is low, nitrogen that would normally be converted to
dissolved oxygen, phytoplankton, and zooplankton and released as CO2
gas in the atmosphere is instead utilized by explosive weed growth and
toxic blue-green algae (cyanotoxin). Diatom diminishment typically
happens in mid-summer. 
The "bust" happens when the supply of silica,
iron and other micronutrients fail. Diatoms need all these inputs.
Nualgi Diatom Regeneration Eliminates the Boom-Bust Cycle
As part of our ongoing Biological Acceleration research and technology
we're deploying a nano-silica based micro-nutrient formulation
developed for Lake Savers by Nualgi Nanotechnology that's proven to
stimulate, regulate, and sustain continual diatom growth.
One year after initial treatment in one of our highly distressed
urban-environment freshwater bodies we're seeing the development of
higher order complex siliceous diatom species that are indicative of
extremely high water quality environments (oligotrophic).
Results of our Testing
Nualgi has proven capable of stimulating diatom growth in a wide
variety of water bodies from urban ponds to natural lakes and
everything in-between.
Nualgi has been proven to increase zooplankton populations within 7
to 10 days of application. Zooplankton feed on diatoms and fish feed
on zooplankton.
Nualgi has been proven to raise dissolved oxygen at the sediment
interface. This increases organic muck reduction of the "compost pile"
at the bottom of the lake.
Nualgi Diatom Regeneration: 
The Bottom-Line
Nualgi is the most exciting Bio-Acceleration Product we have ever
tested. Its impact on water body nutrients is immediate and profound.
Best of all, Nualgi is cost-effective. Just one 1/2 liter bottle treats
one to ten acres of water for one week to one month depending on
Cost for Nualgi is $72 per bottle. Stimulating Diatom Growth for $72 per acre is quite simply the most
stunning breakthrough in natural water body restoration developed to date.Buy NUALGI online_what_is_New_AlGAE


CALL to order: 877.224.4899    

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